Sponsor & Supporter
Preliminary Programme
General information

IFAC Publications and Copyright Policy
Registration & Hotel Information
Method of Payments
Confirmation& Cancellation
Registration and Hotel Reservation  Form


IFAC Technical Committee on Optimal Control (DMO)

Supported by

Hungarian Academy of Sciences


International Programme Committee (IPC)

Chair: Ruth Bars (Hungary)
P. Antsaklis United States
R. Bars  Hungary (chair) 
T. Basar  United States
S. Bittanti  Italy
E.F. Camacho Spain
F.L. Chernousko Russia
G. Feichtinger Austria
P. Fleming  United Kingdom
C. Georgakis United States
R. Haber  Germany
F. Kirillova  Belarus
A. Linnemann  Germany
R. Neck  Austria
J. Shinar  Israel
F. Szigeti  Venezuela
P.M.J. van den Hof  The Netherlands

National Organising Committee Chair:

Éva Gyurkovics
A. Barta
L. Gerencsér 
É.  Gyurkovics (chair)
G. Hencsey
B. Lantos
Gy. Mihaleczky
S. Molnár
L. Monostori
Zs. Pales
L. Palkovics
G. Péceli
 P. Tallos
I. Vajk
Z. Varga

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Preliminary Programme 

Monday, 30 June

08.30 - 09.00
Opening Ceremony
09.00 - 09.50 Survey Lecture

Optimization Problems in Model-Based Diagnosis
J. Gertler, Y. Hu (USA)

09.50 - 10.10
Coffee break
10.10 - 11.50 Identification and Fault Detection

A nalysis of an Adaptive Parameter Estimation and Fault Detection Technique 
F. Chowdhury, J.L. Aravena (USA)

Multi-Gender Genetic Optimization of Diagnostic Observers 
Z. Kowalczuk, T. Bia?aszewski (Poland)

Identification of a Nonlinear Errors-in-Variables Model 
I. Vajk, J. Hetthéssy (Hungary)

An Autoregressive Approach to Fault Detection 
S. Kumar , F. Chowdhury (USA

An Algorithm of On-Line State Estimation for Dynamics Systems 
N. Dmitruk (Belarus)


13.30 - 15.50 Optimal Control

Synthesis of Optimal  Feedback on Inaccurate Measurements for Non-Determined Models 
T. Piasetskaya (Belarus)

Integrals of Motion for Discrete-Time Optimal Control Problems 
D.F.M. Torres (Portugal)

Synthesis of Optimal Feedbacks on the Base of Lipschitzian Controls 
N.S. Paulianok (Belarus)

Stabilizing Receding Horizon Control of Sampled-Data Nonlinear Systems via Their Approximate Discrete-Time Models 
A.M. Elaiw É. Gyurkovics (Hungary)

Controller Design by Direct Numerical Optimization 
A.Barta, I. Vajk (Hungary)

On a Minimum Time-Energy Control Problem 
P. Kundrat, M. Urbanek (Czech Republik)

Reduction of the Optimization Efforts with Predictive Control by Using Non-equidistant Prediction Points
U. Schmitz, R. Haber (Germany), R. Bars (Hungary)

15.50 - 16.10
Coffee break
16.10 - 17.50
Systems and Robust Control

Robust Performance Case Study: Topology of System Media – the First Step to Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Management Systems
A. Izworski, J.W. Lewoc, S. Skowronski (Poland)

Fixed-Order H-infinity Control Design via a Partially Augmented Lagrangian Method
P. Apkarian, D. Noll (France), H.D. Tuan(Japan)

Robust Output Feedback Controller Design: LMI Approach 
V. Vesely (Slovakia)

Robust Models Construction on the Basis of Internal Homogeneous Structures and Adjusted Phase Area Border
V.N. Pilishkin(Russia)

Algebraic Conditions for Controllability and Reachability of Time-Varying Discrete-Time Linear Systems 
S. Molnár, F. Szigeti (Hungary)

Welcome reception


Tuesday, 1 July
08.30 - 09.20 Survey Lecture

Dynamic Game Theory – Modeling International and National Economic Strategic Interactions
R. Neck (Austria)

09.20 - 11.20 Invited Session 
Economic Applications of Control and Optimisation

Anticipation Effects of Technological Progress on Capital Accumulation: a Vintage Models Approach
G. Feichtinger, R.F. Hartl, V.V. Veliov (Austria),P.M. Kort (The Netherlands) 

Network Externalities in a Dynamic Monopoly 
L. Lambertini, R.. Orsini (Italy)

Optimization of Economic Growth Model 
N. Dmitruk (Belarus)

Public Capital, Environmental Pollution and Economic Growth 
A. Greiner (Germany)

Strategic Interactions between Fiscal and Monetary Policies in a Monetary Union 
R. Neck, D.A. Behrens (Austria)

Imperfect Competition and Optimal Pollution Tax 
K. Ogukuchi (Japan)

11.20- 11.40 Coffee break
11.40 - 13.20 Parallel Sessions
Economic Applications of Control and Optimisation

Designing Optimal Benefit Rules for Flexible Retirement 
P. Eso, A. Simonovics (Hungary)

Safety First Portfolio Selection and Market Trend Analysis 
S. Ortobelli (Italy)

A Multicriteria Risk-Based DSS for Bidding Using Mixed Integer Programming 
A. Zafra-Cabeza, E.F. Camacho, M.A. Ridao(Spain)

Control in Dynamic Oligopolics 
S. Molnár, F. Szidarovszki, M. Molnár (Hungary)

Optimization of Mean Fitness of a Population via Artificial Selection 
I. López, M. Gámez, R. Carreño  (Spain), Z. Varga (Hungary)

11.40 - 13.20 Parallel Sessions
Industrial Applications I.

New Possibilities of IEC 61499 for Component Based Distributed Automation 
A. Kegler (Germany)

Linear Quadratic Optimization of Variable Speed Wind Power Systems 
I. Munteanu, E. Ceagna, N.A. Cutululis, A. Bratcu (Romania)

Optimal Greenhouse Climate Control for Achieving Specified Lettuce Nitrate Concentration 
S.C. de Graaf, J.D. Stigter, G. van Straten (The Netherlands)

Optimum Design of Convective Fins Cooled by a Viscous Fluid 
G. Fabbri (Italy)

Direct Application of the Integral Local Maximum Principle to the Determination of the Optimal Control of the Thermal Field 
K. Kaminski, M. Grzywaczewski (Poland)

13.20 - 14.30 Lunch

     14.30 Excursion

    20.00 Banquet

Wednesday, 2 July

08.30 - 09.20  Survey Lecture

What Happens when Certainity Equivalence is not Valid? Is there an optimal estimator for terminal guidance?
J.Shinar, V. Turetsky (Israel)

09.20 - 11.00
Differential Games and Optimal Navigation

Riccati Equations in Open-Loop Nash Games with Discount Rate
G. Jank (Germany), H. Abou-Kandil (France)

Computation of Stackelberg Trajectories in a Class of Two-Person Linear Differencial Games with Terminal Players' Payoffs and Polygonal Constrainings for Control 
S. Osipov, A. Kleimenov (Russia)

Iterative Solution of Algebraic Matrix Riccati Equations in Open Loop Nash Games
G. Jank (Germany), T.P. Azevedo-Perdicoúlis (Portugal) 

Analysis of the Proportional Navigation Law with Time Delay 
O. Yu. Cherkasov, V.V. Alexandrov (Russia)

On the Nash-M Equilibrium in Differental Game under Uncertainty 
L. Cherfi, M.S. Radjef (Algeria)

11.00 - 11.20
Coffee break
11.20 - 13.00 
Industrial Applications II

Optimal Control Coupled Fields in the Process of Induction Heating
V.V. Dikusar (Russia), D.V. Filatova, M. Wójtowicz, M. Grzywaczewski(Poland)

Optimal Design of the Aircraft ABS Controller 
H.Y. Ko, D. J. Ha, N. Y. Choi (Korea)

Optimisation Aspects of Hybrid Dynamical Approach to FMS Scheduling 
J. Somló, A. Anufriev (Hungary), A.V. Savkin (Australia), P.T. Cat (Vietnam)

Evolution of Intelligent Agents: a New Approach to Automatic Plan Design 
D.L. Kovács (Hungary)

Optimized Multivariable Predictive Control of an Industrial Distillation Column Considering Hard and Soft Constraints 
D.W. Kniese,U. Volk, R. Hahn, R. Haber (Germany)

13.00 - 14.30 
14.30 - 16.10 
Intelligent Systems 

Control System Design Aspects Using the Delta Transformation
Zs. Preitl, R. Bars (Hungary)

Two-Stage Optimization for Core Design of BWR Using Multi-Agents Algorithm and Genetic Algorithm
Y. Kobayashi, E. Aiyoshi (Japan)

Multiobjective Optimisation Criteria in Development of Fuzzy Controllers with Dynamics 
R.E. Precup, S. Preitl (Romania)

A Novel Type of Self-Tuning Neural Controller 
L. Körösi, S. Kozak (Slovakia)

Genetic Algorithm for Generator Scheduling 
M.S. Aravind (India)

Return back to Budapest
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IFAC Publications and Copyright Policy

The material submitted for presentation at an IFAC meeting (congress, symposium, conference, workshop) must be original, not published or being considered elsewhere. All papers for presentation will appear in the Preprints of the meeting and will be distributed to the participants. Papers duly presented will be archived and offered for sale, in the form of Proceedings, by Elsevier Science Ltd., Oxford, UK. The papers which have been presented will be further screened for possible publication in the IFAC Journals Automatica and Control Engineering Practice, or in IFAC affiliated journals. All papers presented will be recorded in Control Engineering Practice.

Copyright of material presented at an IFAC meeting is held by IFAC. Automatica and Control Engineering Practice and, after these, IFAC affiliated journals, have priority access to all contributions presented. However, if the author is not contacted by an editor of these journals within three months after the meeting, the author is free to re-submit.

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General Information


The Conference will be held in Visegrad (60 km from Budapest) at the Hotel Silvanus****, situated on the top of the 352 m high Black-mountain, in the neighborhood of King Matthias's Citadel. Attractions include a wonderful panorama over the Danube Bend, fitness center with swimming pool, squash court and tepidarium (sauna, steam-bath, salt-chamber, etc.)

Special buses to the Conference venue (from Budapest and back)

Special buses will depart from the Bara Hotel (H-1118 Budapest, Hegyalja út 34-36)  to the Conference venue at 14.00 and  19.30  on 29 June 2003. Participants arriving at the Ferihegy Airport is advised to take the minibus to the Bara Hotel. The door-to-door Airport Minibus Service is reasonably priced (HUF 2100) and are much more reliable than taxis.
Return service will also be provided from Visegrád to Budapest after the Conference on 02 July late afternoon.
Those not wishing to use the special buses, are supposed to arrange for their travelling to Visegrád individually.

Individual travel to the Hotel Silvanus (Visegrad)

For those not wishing to use the special buses, taxi or minibus are recommended.
(max. no. of passangers: 3)
from the airport approx. HUF 15.000-17.000/taxi
Airport Minibus
(max. no of passangers: 8)
from the airport HUF 12.600 for one passenger + HUF 2100 for each additional passenger
(operation hours: from the first flight till the last one)

Hotel in Budapest - early arrival or late departure

A block reservation has been made at the Bara Hotel (H-1118 Budapest, Hegyalja út 34-36) for those wishing to arrive earlier or leave later. For reservation, please, use the enclosed Registration and Hotel Reservation Form (on-line , MS-Word ) (credit card information is required).
Hotel fees include breakfast and taxes Single room Double room
Hotel Bara  EUR 50/night EUR 60/night
Hotel fee should be paid directly to the hotel.

Official language

The official language of the Workshop is English. No simultaneous translation will be available.

Information for speakers

The Workshop room will be equipped with computer and data beamer for computer aided presentations. Overhead projector, slide projector and flip-chart will also be provided.
It is expected that at least one author per accepted paper will register for the Conference by the early registration deadline (30 May, 2003).


Visitors from European countries (except Albania, Belarus, Bosnia, Moldova, Russia and Turkey) are not required visas. Participants from a few overseas countries will need a visa (please check beforehand).


The Organizers of the Conference do not provide insurance and do not take responsibility for any loss, accident or illness that might occur during the Conference or in the course of travel to or from the meeting site. It is, therefore, the responsibility of the participants to check their coverage with their insurance provider.


Hungary is in the temperate zone, in June and  July weather is usually nice and warm. Daily temperature ranges from 25oC to 32oC, and the relative humidity is below 40%. However, the evenings may be chilly so a light jacket/sweater is recommended.

Bank, currency, credit cards

The unit of currency is the Hungarian Forint (HUF), denoted as “Ft” by the Hungarians. International credit cards (AmEx, EC/MC, Visa) are accepted at most hotels, restaurants and shops. ATMs are also available at the Airport.
(1 EUR is approx. 245 HUF)


Breakfasts, lunches and dinner on 29 June are included in the hotel fee. Meals start with dinner on 29 July and ends with lunch on 02 July.
All participants are kindly invited to the Welcome reception on 30 June and to the Workshop Banquet after the excursion on 01 July.

Registration and information desk

The registration desk will operate at the Hotel Silvanus as follows:
29 June     15.00-20.00
30 June     08.00-09.00 and during the breaks
01-02 July 08.00-09.00 and during the breaks


The electricity supply in Hungary is 220 V AC (50 Hz).

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Registration and Accommodation Information

All attendees, including regular and invited speakers are kindly requested to register by using the enclosed Registration and Hotel Reservation Form. One separate form per participant should be completed and returned to the Conference Secretariat. Use a photocopy of the form if an extra one is necessary or download it from the web.
Registration fees

All fees are indicated in Hungarian Forints (HUF).
1 EUR is approx. HUF 245
Fees (include 25%VAT) Before  After

30 May 2003
Regular registration fee HUF 87500 HUF 100000
Student fee
(copy of student card is required)
HUF 50000 HUF 60000

The registration fees include:
- participation in all technical sessions
- the Preprints
- coffee/tea during breaks
- welcome reception on 30 June
- excursion on 01 July
- banquet on 01 July
- special bus transfer from Budapest (Hotel Bara) to Visegrád and back.

Hotel fees
A block reservation has been made at the Hotel Silvanus****    from 29 June - 02 July 2003 (for 3 nights).
Hotel fees include breakfast, lunches, dinner on 29 June and all taxes.

Single room  Double room 
Hotel Silvanus*** HUF 17900/night
(forest view)
HUF 24900/night
(forest view)

HUF 19000/night
(river view)
HUF 29200/night
(river view)

Important notices:
- If no credit card information  is available hotel booking will be arranged after having received the registration fee.
- The hotel fee has to be paid directly to the the hotel.

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Methods of Payments

Payments can be made by credit card (AmEx, Eurocard/Mastercard and Visa are accepted)  or by bank transfer.

Credit cards
In case of paying by credit card please use the Credit Card InForm

Bank transfer
Payments by bank transfer should be sent to the following account of the CAO 2003 Secretariat

“CAO 2003 Secretariat” MTA SZTAKI
Account No. 10032000-01738588
National Bank of Hungary
H-1850 Budapest, Hungary
In the case of bank transfer the proof of remittance should be sent (preferably by fax: +36-1-386-9378) to the CAO 2003 Secretariat. In order to be able to identify payments, please make sure that the name of each Conference participant is clearly indicated on all documents.

Please note:
- payments sent by bank transfer must be free of charges for the MTA SZTAKI
- the cut-off date for early registration (30 May 2003) will be strictly enforced
- for on-the-spot payments credit cards (AmEx, Eurocard/Mastercard, Visa) and cash (HUF) will be accepted

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Registration will be confirmed by the CAO 2003 Workshop Secretariat only upon receipt of the completed registration form with credit card information or the proof of remittance. Please bring the confirmation with you to the Workshop for presentation at the Registration Desk.



Requests for refunds of the participation fee (less 20% administration charge) will be honored only if they are received before 30 May 2003. No fee will be refunded in case of cancellation requests received after that date or in case of non-attendance.



Early registration
CAO 2003 Workshop 
30 May 2003
30 June - 02 July 2003

Conference Secretariat

Ms Mariann Kindl
Kende u. 13-17, H-1111 Budapest
Phone: +36-1-209-6001, Fax: +36-1-386-9378
E-mail: kindl@sztaki.hu

Registration and Hotel Reservation Form

(on-line , MS-Word)
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