COLT 2011 - Submission Instructions
Submissions should include the title, authors' names, and a 200-word abstract suitable for the conference program (that is, submissions are NOT anonymous). Papers should be formatted according to the following LaTeX style files (zip, tar.gz) .
Authors not using latex should ensure that their document complies with similar formatting. The page limit (including bibliography) is 13 pages. Supplementary material beyond the 13 page limit can be placed in an appendix, which will be read at the discretion of the program committee. It is the authors' responsibility to ensure that full proofs of their results are either in the main paper or in the appendix.
For more information please consult the COLT 2011 call for papers.
The paper submission is closed, the received papers are under review. The expected date of notification of acceptance/rejection is May 2, 2011.
Open problems should be sent by email to by March 27, 2011.