Rami Mangoubi, PhD, received his Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, his Master of Science in Operations Research, and his Doctorate in Detection, Estimation and Control, all from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He also spent a year at the Technical University of Darmstadt as a German Academic Exchange Fellow (DAAD).
He is currently with C. S. Draper Laboratory, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. He worked on and led projects in the areas of operations research, control, fault detection, target tracking, model validation, and statistical signal detection. Earlier in his career, he introduced the use of robust game theoretic filters for failure detection in dynamic plants.
Dr. Mangoubi is currently Principal Investigator of an NIH/NIBIB R01 research grant in the area of human embryonic stem cell (hESC) imaging. He also leads Draper efforts for the development of an automatic image based system for the classification of diabetic retinopathy lesions, and on 3D spatiotemporal reconstruction of 3D+T time series volumes from lower dimensional 2D X-ray projections for Cerebrovascular Angiography. He conducts theoretical research in robust non-Gaussian detection and learning.
Dr. Mangoubi is the author of numerous publications, including the book, Robust Estimation and Failure Detection: A Concise Treatment, Springer-Verlag. He supervises MIT doctoral students conducting research at Draper. He received awards at Draper for various achievements. He was an invited plenary speaker for the 2000 International Federation of Automatic Control’s (IFAC) SAFEPROCESS Conference, and an invited semiplenary speaker at the 2009 European Control Conference (ECC). He is a member of the IFAC SAFEPROCESS Technical Committee. Dr. Mangoubi speaks and reads English, French, Arabic, Hebrew, and German.