4th International FSL & FreeSurfer Course
8-11 June 2004 - Marienberg Castle, Wuerzburg, Germany
Organised by
FMRIB Centre, University of Oxford
Dept. of Neuroradiology, University of Wuerzburg
For queries e-mail fslcourse@fmrib.ox.ac.uk
Learn the theory and practice of functional and structural brain image analysis
We are pleased to announce the fourth FSL/FreeSurfer course, run primarily by members of Oxford University's FMRIB Centre, as well as researchers from MGH, UCLA and Wuerzburg. The course will be held at the Fortress Marienberg in Wuerzburg, Germany, immediately before the 2004 Human Brain Mapping Conference. Wuerzburg is a short train journey from Frankfurt airport, so it should be convenient to attend the FSL course before travelling on to HBM in Budapest.
The intensive course covers both the theory and practice of functional and structural brain image analysis. Background concepts and the practicalities of analyses are taught in detailed lectures; these are interleaved with hands-on practical sessions where attendees learn how to carry out analysis for themselves on real data, with at most two attendees per computer. By the end of the course, attendees should be able to fully analyse their own FMRI and MRI data sets.
The course is aimed at both new and existing users of these packages and will cover both basic and advanced features. The methods covered include
- NEW: Analysis of diffusion-weighted imaging data, including tractography and related applications
- GLM-based analysis of FMRI data including Bayesian multi-subject statistics (FSL - FEAT)
- Model-free (ICA) analysis of FMRI data (FSL - MELODIC)
- Brain extraction (FSL - BET)
- Image registration (alignment) and unwarping (FSL - FLIRT/FUGUE)
- Tissue-type segmentation and structural statistical analysis e.g. atrophy (FSL - FAST/SIENA/SIENAX)
- Cortical-flattening of images and its applications (FreeSurfer)
Registration is 150 UK pounds for students, 300 pounds for postdocs and other non-student academic attendees and 1200 pounds for commercial attendees. Course registration fees include computer practical sessions, course notes and lunches (and the course dinner is paid for by Mirada Solutions & CTI). The registration fee does NOT include accommodation.
To register visit the course website at
You will need to organise your own accommodation for the course. See the course website for details on suggested hotels.