8th International Conference on

The Modern Information Technology in the
Innovation Processes of the Industrial Enterprises

11-12 September 2006 -
Budapest, Hungary

Registration Form

Please complete this form and submit it as soon as possible but no later than
31 July, 2006

Personal data

Please provide information as you wish it to appear on your MITIP2006 Attendee badge.

Surname/Family name

Middle initial

First name



Street address

Zip code





Phone (incl. country code)

Fax (incl. country code)

Web address

Please indicate if you do not wish to be included in the list of participants:

Method of payment

Credit card

I authorise MITIP2006 Secretariat to charge the registration fee of EUR to the credit card given in the Credit card form (*.rtf, *.pdf).

Bank transfer

Payment by bank transfer should be sent to the following account:

Beneficiary's name:

SCOPE Meetings Ltd. "MITIP2006"


HU35 11711041 20420022 00000000

Bank name:

OTP (National Savings Bank)

Bank address:

H-1117 Budapest, Karinthy F. ut 16, Hungary



The proof of remittance should be sent (preferably by fax: +361 386 9378) to the MITIP2006 Secretariat. Please, make sure that the name of each Conference participant is clearly indicated on all documents.

Please note:

Payments sent by bank transfer must be free of charges for SCOPE Meetings Ltd.