Ars (Dis)Symmetrica '06

Exhibitions, musical and movement performances

Themes of the exhibits should fit into the scientific program. Connections to education are especially preferred.

Proposed themes:

(1) represent, illustrate (as well for educational purposes) the geometrical novelties produced in the 20th c. in the arts:

- reconsidering dimensionality, like
* more than 3 dimensions,
* non-integer (fractal) dimensions,
* non-Euclidean geometries,
* intermingling of space and time,
  -- representation of dynamics,
  -- projection revisited;

- application of the golden section to new fields of science;

- the analogue-discrete dichotomy and a quantised/digital view and approach to the world’s phenomena.

(2) illustrate, by artworks, what contemporary art and design learned from the sciences?

(3) illustrate the impact of design and art on the sciences (cf., examples of fullerenes, Penrose tilings, origami, impossible structures, drawing by Escher, ….)

(4) illustrate, how science (specifically, symmetry-related new knowledge) facilitated breakthroughs in the traditional arts.

The organizers of the Symmetry Festival would like to inspire the creation of new artworks.
Works produced for and dedicated to the event are preferred.
Also welcome are artworks inspired by ideas which emerged at the last Symmetry Festival (2003).

Please, indicate (in 6-15 lines) the relevance of the proposed work(s) to one of the announced themes in the Submission Form.
Please submit your proposal (paper) HERE.

The organizers also encourage you to produce new artworks to be inspired by the spirit breathed in at the Symmetry Festival 2006 and to submit them to the next Symmetry Festival.