
Symmetry Festival 2006 will be held in the brand new Europa Congress Center:
H-1021 Budapest,
Hárshegyi u. 5-7.


Hotel Rege***
H-1021 Budapest
Pálos u. 2.

Arrival in Budapest - transfer from the airport

Most participants will arrive at the Budapest Ferihegy Airport. The simplest means of transportation to any place in Budapest is via minibuses. This door-to-door Airport Minibus Service is reasonably priced (approx. EUR 9-10) and is much more reliable than taxis.

Getting to the Hotel Rege/Conference Venue by public transportation

The Hotel Rege/Conference Venue can be reached as follows:
• from the Pest Downtown, Deak ter (square):
METRO Line 2 (red) to Moszkva ter

• from Keleti (East) Railway Station:
METRO Line 2 to Moszkva ter

• from Nyugati (West) Railway Station:
tram #4 or #6 to Moszkva ter

From Moszkva ter: take bus #22 (written in red!).

Tickets are available at METRO stations, news-stands or major bus/tram termini and must be validated inside
the vehicles or at the entrance to the METRO. Please keep your ticket with you by the end of the rout/exit (Metro).
For more information, consult the map of Budapest.

Passport and visa

You will need a valid passport to enter Hungary. You are responsible for arranging a visa if required. Invitation letters for visa purposes will be issued for registered participants upon request.
IMPORTANT! Hungary, as an EU member (but not member of the Schengen Agreement), requires that your passport be valid at least 90 days after you return to your country of citizenship. Please contact your travel agent or local government agency to be sure you have the proper travel documents.

Official Language

The official language of the Conference is English. No simultaneous translation will be available. 


The Organizers of the Conference do not provide insurance and do not take responsibility for any loss, accident or illness that might occur during the Conference or in the course of travel to or from the meeting site. It is, therefore, the responsibility of the participants to check their coverage with their insurance provider.

Bank, Currency, Credit Cards

The unit of currency is the Hungarian Forint (HUF), denoted as “Ft” by the Hungarians. International credit cards (AmEx, EC/MC, Visa) are accepted at most hotels, restaurants and shops. ATMs are available at the Airport and all over the city. (1 EUR is approx. 250 HUF) 


The electricity supply in Hungary is 220 V AC (50 Hz).