Plenary speakers

Patrizio Colaneri
Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Dwell time analysis of deterministic and stochastic switched systems

Håkan Hjalmarsson
Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden 

System identification of complex and structured systems
Jakob Stoustrup
Aalborg University, Denmark 

Plug & Play Control: A Novel Control Concept
Johan Schoukens
Vrije University Brussels, Belgium

Nonparametric preprocessing in system identification: a powerful tool  
(by J. Schoukens, G. Vandersteen, K. Barbé, R. Pintelon)

Semi-plenary speakers

Rami S. Mangoubi
The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Inc., USA

Robust Detection and Estimation in Dynamic Systems and Statistical Signal Processing:
Intersections, Parallel Paths and Applications
(by Rami Mangoubi, Mukund Desai, András Edelmayer, Paul Sammak)
Marco Münchhof
TU Darmstadt, Germany

Fault Diagnosis and Fault Tolerance of Drive Systems – Status and Research
(by Marco Münchhof, Mark Beck, Rolf Isermann)
Dragan Nesic
University of Melbourne, Australia

Extremum seeking control: convergence analysis and applications
Zoltán Szabó
Computer and Automation Research Insitute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary

Geometric Control Theory and Linear Switched Systems